Wednesday 20 January 2016

Dojo Interview Questions

 Top 18 Dojo Interview Questions

1) Explain what is Dojo?
Dojo is a JavaScript framework, an assembly of utilities written to ease development of client-side web applications. It is a tool for constructing dynamic web user interfaces.
2) Explain what are application support libraries in Dojo?
Application support libraries in Dojo consists of
·        I/O package provides routines, e.g., for AJAX binding
·        For drag and drop operations DND package provides routines
·        Useful routines are available for login, animation and storage.
3) Explain why does <body> in many of tests HTML files have style = “visibility hidden”?
It is to stop raw HTML rendering result from being shown before dojo’s rendering finishes.
4) Mention what are the advantages or benefits of Dojo?
Advantages or benefits of Dojo includes
·        Loosely typed variables
·        Associative arrays
·        Objects and classes
·        W3C DOM support in the Dojo
·        Regular expression
·        Associative arrays
5) Mention what are the drawbacks of Dojo?
·        For Dojo, developer has to depend on the browser support
·        In the case of commercial application there is no way to hide the Dojo code.
6) What does all include in Dojo Architecture?
Dojo Architecture includes
·        DojoX
·        Dijit
·        Dojo Core
·        Dojo Base
·        Custom code
·        Util
7) Explain what is Dijit and DojoX?
·        Dijit: It is a widget system and component library layered on top of Dojo it enables the user to re-use or use reprogrammed widget
·        DojoX: It contains widgets, utilities and classes that are not yet ready for inclusion in the main Dojo library. It has experimental elements and widgets.
8) Explain what makes a widget?
A widget is comprised of two resources
·        A .js file that consists the logic of the widget
·        An HTML snippet that carries the way the widget is presented
9) Mention what is the basic structure in Dojo?
Basic structure in Dojo includes

·        /index.html : Entry point for application
·        /app: The application module
·        /app/main.js: Main script for app module
10) Mention what are the limitations of Dojo?
Limitation of Dojo are
·        It needs much network
·        Developer remains dependent on the browser support for the Dojo
·        In the case of commercial application there is no way to hide the Dojo code
·        Documentation is quite narrow
·        In the case of commercial application there is no way to hide the Dojo code.
11) Explain whether Dojo is a part of Ajax and distinguishes their roles?
Dojo is not a part of Ajax; it is an open source JavaScript toolkit, designed to ease the quick development of JavaScript or Ajax-based applications and websites. It provides you with lots of custom components like data grid, scroller, calendar, etc. It serves some data-structure mode like collection and array list, and it also provides some advanced API’s like API to make AJAX calls.
While, AJAX is an Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, together they make it possible to make JavaScript function call to your server and trigger a response.  They use XMLHttpRequest and XMLHttp response object.
12) Mention what are Modules in Dojo?
In Dojo, Modules are individual codes that can be loaded separately.  They are identifying using a string that is similar to the file path where the code is defined. Example: my/module/class.
13) Explain about the language libraries in Dojo?
Language libraries in Dojo includes
·        lang.*
·        Wrappers for common idioms
·        Functional programming APIs
14) Mention the features of Dojo Charting?
Dojo Charting enables developers to create dynamic, functional and unique charts from varying sets of data. The charting library lives within the dojox/charting resource.
·        It allows chart to be created with JavaScript or HTML
·        It works on almost all devices
·        It can render charts in VML, SVG,Silverlight and Canvas
·        It gives freedom to the developer to choose which renderer to use
·        It evaluates the client and based on the client supports, uses an appropriate renderer
·        It allows to use dojox/gfx library to make charts animate in a wide variety of ways
·        It comes packaged with dozens of diverse and attractive themes
·        It allows for linear and radial gradient within chart themes.
15) List out some of the components that come along with Dojo Framework?
Components that comes along with Dojo Framework includes
·        Dojo Tree
·        Dojo List box
·        Dojo Calendar control
·        Dojo Grid
·        Dojo Button, etc.
16) Explain what is the difference between JQuery and Dojo?
·        Dojo is a JavaScript toolkit or framework
·        Dojo has also got some built in functionality that are proven and well accepted
·        Dojo is HTML and JavaScript based tool kit
·        Dojo might not be as easy to use
·        Dojo provides the features of widget toolkit
·        Dojo requires higher network bandwidth
·        For creating bigger website and application, Dojo is preferred
·         JQuery is a JavaScript library
·        JQuery has built-in plugin, but the plugins might not be verified
·        JQuery supports almost all web languages
·        JQuery is simpler to use compared to DOJO
·        JQuery is customizable and used to create Ajax applications
·        It will work even at low network bandwidth
·        JQuery is perfect for small websites
17) List out some of the Dijit Layout widgets?
·        ContentPane
·        LinkPane
·        Border Container
·        Tab Container
·        Split Container
·        Stack Container
·        Accordion Container
18) Explain the function of Dojo/ready module?
The dojo/ready module has a function that records a callback that will run once the three conditions have met:
·        DOM is ready
·        All outstanding or remaining modules of requested code have completed loading
·        Other registered functions with a higher priority have completed.

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